touch /etc/vsftpd/user_conf/vconf.tmp
vi /etc/vsftpd/user_conf/vconf.tmp
创建用户:sh uservsftpd.sh create tt或者./uservsftpd.sh create tt
删除用户:sh uservsftpd.sh delete tt或者./uservsftpd.sh delete tt
禁用用户:sh uservsftpd.sh disable tt或者./uservsftpd.sh disable tt
激活用户:sh uservsftpd.sh enable tt或者./uservsftpd.sh enable tt
修改密码:sh uservsftpd.sh passwd tt或者./uservsftpd.sh passwd tt
vi uservsftpd.sh
chmod +x uservsftpd.sh
touch /etc/vsftpd/user_conf/vconf.tmp
vi /etc/vsftpd/user_conf/vconf.tmp
local_root=/ftphome/virtuser //指定虚拟用户的具体主路径。 anonymous_enable=NO //设定不允许匿名用户访问。 write_enable=YES //设定允许写操作。 anon_umask=022 //设定上传文件权限掩码。 anon_upload_enable=NO //设定不允许匿名用户上传。 anon_mkdir_write_enable=NO //设定不允许匿名用户建立目录。 idle_session_timeout=600 //设定空闲连接超时时间。 data_connection_timeout=120 //设定单次连续传输最大时间。 max_clients=2 //设定并发客户端访问个数。 max_per_ip=5 //设定单个客户端的最大线程数,这个配置主要来照顾Flashget、迅雷等多线程下载软件。 local_max_rate=50000 //设定该用户的最大传输速率,单位b/s.
创建用户:sh uservsftpd.sh create tt或者./uservsftpd.sh create tt
删除用户:sh uservsftpd.sh delete tt或者./uservsftpd.sh delete tt
禁用用户:sh uservsftpd.sh disable tt或者./uservsftpd.sh disable tt
激活用户:sh uservsftpd.sh enable tt或者./uservsftpd.sh enable tt
修改密码:sh uservsftpd.sh passwd tt或者./uservsftpd.sh passwd tt
vi uservsftpd.sh
chmod +x uservsftpd.sh
#!/bin/bash #The script can create,deactivate,activate and delete virtual users of vsftpd. #Author: rocdk890 USERFILE=/etc/vsftpd/vuser USERDB=/etc/vsftpd/vuser.db CONFBASE=/etc/vsftpd/user_conf TMPCONF=/etc/vsftpd/user_conf/vconf.tmp FTPBASE=/var/www/vhosts/wwwroot FTPHOST=vuser USERNAME=$2 if [ $# != 2 ];then echo "Usage: $0 {create|disable|enable|passwd|delete} {username}" >&2 exit 1 fi function check_username_exist() { #Check if virtual user already exist USERCOUNT=$(sed -n 'p;n' $USERFILE | grep -w $USERNAME | wc -l) if [ $USERCOUNT -ne 0 ];then echo "User $USERNAME ALREADY exist!" && exit fi } check_username_notexist() { #Check if virtual user not exist USERCOUNT=$(sed -n 'p;n' $USERFILE | grep -w $USERNAME | wc -l) if [ $USERCOUNT -eq 0 ];then echo "User $USERNAME NOT exist!" && exit fi } get_password() { #Get the password echo -n "Input password: " read password #Check if password is empty if [ -z "$password" ];then echo "Empty password!!" && exit fi } update_userdb() { #Delete the virtual user db rm -f $USERDB #Generate the virtual user db db_load -T -t hash -f $USERFILE $USERDB } case "$1" in 'create' ) check_username_exist get_password #Write the username and password to $USERFILE echo $USERNAME >> $USERFILE echo $password >> $USERFILE update_userdb #Create the configure file of virtual user cp $TMPCONF $CONFBASE/$USERNAME #Replace the home directory name of virtual user sed -i "s/virtuser/$USERNAME/g" $CONFBASE/$USERNAME #Create the home directory of virtual user mkdir $FTPBASE/$USERNAME #Change the owner of home directory to OS user $FTPHOST chown -R $FTPHOST:$FTPHOST $FTPBASE/$USERNAME ;; 'disable' ) check_username_exist #Change the owner of home directory from $FTPHOST to root chown root:root $FTPBASE/$USERNAME #Change the permissions of home directory to read-only for root chmod 700 $FTPBASE/$USERNAME ;; 'enable' ) check_username_exist #Change the owner of home directory from root to $FTPHOST to root chown $FTPHOST:$FTPHOST $FTPBASE/$USERNAME #Change the permissions of home directory to 775 for $FTPHOST chmod 775 $FTPBASE/$USERNAME ;; 'delete' ) check_username_notexist #Get the row numbers of username and password of virtual user ROWNUMBER=$(cat -n $USERFILE | sed -n 'p;n' | grep -w $USERNAME | awk '{print $1}' | head -n 1) #Delete the username and password of virtual user from $USERFILE sed -i "${ROWNUMBER}d" $USERFILE sed -i "${ROWNUMBER}d" $USERFILE update_userdb #Delete the configure file of virtual user rm -f $CONFBASE/$USERNAME #Rename the home directory name of virtual user mv $FTPBASE/$USERNAME $FTPBASE/$USERNAME.deleted ;; 'passwd' ) check_username_notexist get_password #Get the row numbers of username and password of virtual user ROWNUMBER=$(cat -n $USERFILE | sed -n 'p;n' | grep -w $USERNAME | awk '{print $1}' | head -n 1) PASSWORDNUMBER=$(expr $ROWNUMBER + 1) sed -i "${PASSWORDNUMBER}d" $USERFILE sed -i "${ROWNUMBER}a $password" $USERFILE update_userdb ;; *) echo "Usage: $0 {create|disable|enable|passwd|delete} {username}" >&2 exit 1 ;; esac
uservsftpd.rar 1.09KB